The month of September was a BEAST, B-E-A-S-T, BEAST! The month was packed with non-budgeted expenses and third party behaviors I could not control. The new school year was now in session with school supply lists, back to school shopping list, and a daily homework lists that did not harmonize with my work life demands. The never ending morning car rider lines were crawling under my brown skin and causing my eyes to roll as I watched the time tick away slowly. The number of dirty dishes multiplied in the sink before I got home from work. The number of hours I enjoyed throughout the night each day varied like last week’s winning lottery numbers. Work assignments, client demands, and unmet expectations continued to flow in unpredictable spurts. There was no more energy left to exert at the gym. No more laughter to share with friends. No more words left to engage. No more movement in my fingers to respond to email or text messages by the end of each day. And did I add, no time to prepare for the coming of Hurricane Ian. The “climate” in September was set-up for a perfect storm physically, mentally, and emotionally.
My days were spent running. My nights were spent tossing and turning. Restful nights were akin to unicorns.
When we lose our rhythm our children hear it when we scream at them over spilled milk. Our spouses or partners sense it in the brief hellos and goodbyes that barely leave our lips. Our co-workers detect it through our office door or the “Door Not Disturb” sign on our door knob.
When a choir has lost its rhythm there is no harmony.
When the song has no rhythm there is no dancing.
When the heart has lost its rhythm we are dying.
When our sleep has no rhythm there is no rest.
When our work day has no rhythm there is no growth and progress.
Our lives need rhythm.
Here are (3) of the most important rhythms that will promote healthy parenting, family life, and living:
Rhythm of Prayer - You must start your day off with prayer, devotion, and meditation. Before the children wake up, before you check your social media accounts, or text messages, spend some quiet time listening and talking with God.
Rhythm of Praise - You must be committed to seeing the good in the people in your life and the blessings in your day and acknowledge them. Share your praise and gratitude for your blessings with others and God. Your trials are preparing you for the greatest comeback stories you will tell in the future.
Rhythm of Rest - Create time in your day to rest your mind and body. Stop, disengage for a while, and just be still. And remember each week we get to enjoy the Sabbath.
Our lives need rhythm. When our lives have a rhythm of prayer, praise, and rest, we will experience joy, love, and peace. If you’ve lost your rhythm this season get it back so you can get to the business of living and serving.